Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Mind Blogging...erh, Boggling

Gee...looks like I have a mental-block and suddenly, I have nothing to write about. Or maybe, I do...I live my life thinking and, doing a lot of it, too. So how can I possibly have nothing to write about? Well see, I am even writing about me having nothing to write about. Such is the power of the mind when put to good use.

It's also kinda like the economics of "diminishing return". Too many thoughts going through my mind in a single day will result in decreasing significance to each thought and it becomes just a-passing.

Therefore now, I am experiencing what I would call a "BlockedBlog". And I would hate to have this as a mental fixture.

Good night. Oh erh, I think it's morning now...good morrr...but wait, sun's not up yet...erh...good night?! Argh. I rest my weary case. *snooze*


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