Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Historic Moment

What a historic moment...just an hour ago, I watched as the new Pope was being announced to the world - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger from Germany is now the 265th Pope, Benedict XVI.

I sat in front of my TV watching, locking eyes and not losing sight of the balcony of the Vatican Basilica where any movement would indicate the historic announcement. So exciting and so anxious I was that my nail-biting went in rhythmic unison with the ticking clock. By the time Pope Benedict appeared, I had bitten and chipped away 5mm off my thumb nails. Sigh...

And you might wonder why the anxiousness...I wonder, too. I am not a Catholic and I do not fully understand the significance and its implications. All I know is Pope John Paul II did a lot of good things for the world with that pastoral and affable demeanor. I guess, I was anxiously curious to know if the new Pope exudes the same. Unfortunately, it was too quick to judge. Fortunately, I was part of the millions in the world who witnessed this historic moment, real time, first hand, minus nails.


Well, why am I not surprised that the government will proceed with the development of the casino. Oh, my apologies, it should be called "Integrated Resort" aka I.R. (Uh huh, another acronym added to the already long list of Uniquely Singapore everyday talk.) Call me cynical but despite all the available avenue or platforms offered for Singaporeans to feedback, express concerns and take sides in the past, it's not rocket science to have anticipated the endorsement of the plan for casino, er no...I.R. I meant.

Job creation is much too essential and critical to our economy and our increasing and aging population. This is clear. However, the potential rise in moral ills within our society (no matter how small the casino) will be, whilst scary, they remain 'potential'. Yes, this is optimistically speaking. I am keeping the faith and my fingers very crossed that the "protective measures" will be effectively in place to nip the bud and manage the ills. Otherwise, I would not want to live to see the degeneration of human kind in the tiny island of ours. By then, no amounts of government pay-outs (like the ERS/NSS), packages (to encourage procreation), subsidies (HDB conservancy) or even bill changes will turn back the clock. Kasih*-no.

*Kasih (kah see) - Malay word to give.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Music in Cin City!

Oh yeaaah...finally tagged music to my blog. Thanks to "Absolut"! (Yeah, the famous vodka that comes in different flavours these days, and no longer just "Absolut Vodka".)

Although not quite the kinda chillout, loungey ones I'd like to have 24/7, at least the "Absolut" player has the option to stop, pause or lower volume. So, if you do find it a nuisance, do what you must. And if you do come across a player of chillout music that offers html code, lemme know lemme know!!

Meanwhile, check out tracks - Absolut Sienkiewicz, Absolut Vadim and Absolut Brikha.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Wicked Aura & Me @ WOMAD 2004

OMG! I was in disbelief when I saw this image...was browsing Wicked Aura site and checked out the pictures of their performance during WOMAD 2004. Hah...was half looking out for me since I was right in the middle of their performance, dancing and losing myself. Then again, they WERE pictures of them, I wouldn't be in the lot. *shakes head* BUT loooooh and behold, the last photo actually had me in there! OK ok, I was thIS small but still...haha...see See SEE! (Click on image for larger view.)

Did I hear "Wicked Aura (Batucada), who?". WELL, they are Singapore's only Samba hot hot hot percussionists. Great stuff...gets me on a natural high EVER-ree time. To see me groove and loose myself, give me samba any time. Anyway, I am very proud of them, in fact, proud of any local talent (and I just aint talking about those who've made it commercially). They've been invited to WOMAD in Sri Lanka and to Spain for a gig this year.

Check them out guys... sample tracks, videos, photos, all there. Be samba-ed and support them. Read about their unfortunate plight (5 April Tues "Wicked Aura" - thanks to da flava who wrote this article)...typical treatment by the higher authorities until they gain recognition, on their own accord, overseas. AND then suddenly, THEY hail from Singapore and they will be called our own. Oh, did I hear we want to be the City for the Arts? Really.

Wicked Aura will always get my support. Samba on!!

An Advice

A friend has a term paper due today and hasn't started writing since 2 hrs ago. She was in a dilemma..."to panic or just die".

I thought she needed an advice - don't die, just panic.

Captivating "Counting"

Check out this very captivating song whose singer has an equally captivating voice...Timmy Perez' "Counting".

Sound quality ain't opitmal but can you just imagine what it'll sound like otherwise...simply spell-binding.

Found this at my favourite daily dose of MrBrown who in turn took it from another excellent blog of da flava's, friend of Timmy's.

*repeat mode* my company for yet another night of insomnia.


We need to be ourselves a lot more, loose the self-censorship when it really matters...especially when we get into sticky situations and don't know if the pitfall is on the left or right. We can only weigh the options and make the best possible decision at a given point. In time, we may realise that it should have been the right way, and not left. But who's to say that we haven't tried?

Those who mind don't matter and those who matter won't mind.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Following my last blog...Chef Devo's ooh la la...
@ top, Entree - Panfried Delicious Mango/Avocado/Portobello Mushroom & Sole Fish
@ bottom, Appetizer - Healthy Tasty Rocket Leaves Salad mixed with Honey Tomatoes & Succulent, Sweet Panfried Scallops

My Scallop Aglio Olio set meal dinner tonight (left over pasta from last night's). Ok, can't quite see the yummily, panfried, browned scallop lapped on top of the aglio olio pasta but they sure were delicious. *slurp* Not bad for a novice attempt I'd say. ;)

Well, it was Bacon & Mushroom Aglio Olio set meal last night for my bro and I and that was a real treat, too. Too bad I didn't take a shot of it, the variety in this A.O. made the dish more colourful and would have been more enticing visually, looking mouth-watering here (maybe it's the camera!). Oh well, there's always a next hold that saliva!

It's real easy to cook...all I needed were olive oil, garlic, oregano leaves, black pepper, chilli flakes salt and white wine sauce. Oh yes, a huge pot for the tossing and stirring! And heaps of chef's instinct at work! Heh...

Speaking of chef, it's all thanks to Dave, Chef Devo, who inspired me to cook on Sunday. It was one of his experimental cooking sessions again on Saturday night at which I would always gladly offer myself as the guinea pig. He's got great chef's instinct. And I've got competent tastebuds to appreciate them. Haha...

He stormed up excellent panfried, healthy Mango/Avocado/Portobello Mushroom Sole Fish with Rocket leaves salad mixed with honey tomatoes and succulent, sweet panfried scallops, of course, there's this luuuurvly big, fat sweet tomatoes soaked in red wine vinegrette and olive oil, too. What's so wonderful about his cooking is that I actually ate fish and tomatoes which I normally go "eugh"! And the dessert! Strawberries soaked in honey topped with Haagen Daz Strawberry Cheesecake ice-cream...anyone would go weak with that!!

Feel hungry just recounting this...*dial Dave's no.* "So Dave, when's the next 'gathering' eh?"

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Jack Johnson "In Between Dreams"

I'm hooked hooked hooked! Hooked on the music of Jack Johnson's.

It's been ages since I feel this way about a particular kind of music genre, singer/musician or an album. I got acquainted with his music while at my usual browse mode at HMV previous Friday and within minutes, walked out with 2 of his CDs - latest release "In Between Dreams" and another released in 2000 "Bushfire Fairytales".

I'm such a fan of accoustic sounds and normally, they are only special releases of popular singles. But Man! I tell you...Jack Johnson IS accoustic, a genre on his own! Such joy listening to this unassuming and laid back accoustic sometimes-rock&roll, sometimes-folksy sounds. No surprise that he is from Hawaii., can't ask for any more than this!

Hope you'll go check his music out too. Meanwhile, watch his latest single's music video "Sitting Waiting Wishing" Though idea's not new (Coldplay used the same effect before) but heck, it's still cool. What do think?

Jack Johnson has just gotten himself a fan *not a fanatic one but a rational, adult fan, thank you...haha* ;) Will you become a fan, too?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I Am My Teacher

On personal growth, what else more compelling than this...

"There is no better teacher than yourself, if only you learn from your mistakes and grow from your successes."

Ho Kwon Ping, Chairman of Banyan Tree (31 Jan 2005,

Monday, April 04, 2005

"Sin City"

No way close to my life and no where near my city...but check out "Sin City" that's heading our way on the big screens.

Love the movie treatment with its huuuge cast and watch the cool effects!

If you wish, take the shortcut to the City of Sin and and see the sinful difference!