Tuesday, April 12, 2005

My Scallop Aglio Olio set meal dinner tonight (left over pasta from last night's). Ok, can't quite see the yummily, panfried, browned scallop lapped on top of the aglio olio pasta but they sure were delicious. *slurp* Not bad for a novice attempt I'd say. ;)

Well, it was Bacon & Mushroom Aglio Olio set meal last night for my bro and I and that was a real treat, too. Too bad I didn't take a shot of it, the variety in this A.O. made the dish more colourful and would have been more enticing visually, looking mouth-watering here (maybe it's the camera!). Oh well, there's always a next time...so hold that saliva!

It's real easy to cook...all I needed were olive oil, garlic, oregano leaves, black pepper, chilli flakes salt and white wine sauce. Oh yes, a huge pot for the tossing and stirring! And heaps of chef's instinct at work! Heh...

Speaking of chef, it's all thanks to Dave, Chef Devo, who inspired me to cook on Sunday. It was one of his experimental cooking sessions again on Saturday night at which I would always gladly offer myself as the guinea pig. He's got great chef's instinct. And I've got competent tastebuds to appreciate them. Haha...

He stormed up excellent panfried, healthy Mango/Avocado/Portobello Mushroom Sole Fish with Rocket leaves salad mixed with honey tomatoes and succulent, sweet panfried scallops, of course, there's this luuuurvly big, fat sweet tomatoes soaked in red wine vinegrette and olive oil, too. What's so wonderful about his cooking is that I actually ate fish and tomatoes which I normally go "eugh"! And the dessert! Strawberries soaked in honey topped with Haagen Daz Strawberry Cheesecake ice-cream...anyone would go weak with that!!

Feel hungry just recounting this...*dial Dave's no.* "So Dave, when's the next 'gathering' eh?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

keep it up chef cindy !!

3:33 am  
Blogger Cin said...

Thank you Chef Devo. ;) Looking forward to more inspiring, experimental recipes!

3:45 am  

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