Friday, May 26, 2006

My Book of the Month

I haven't been drawn to a book as much as this one for a long time, almost to the point of an addiction now - "Mr China" by Tim Clissold.

The author is a Mandarin-speaking 'ang moh' who was one, amongst many, of the earliest to pursue economic opportunities in the modern-day China in the 90's. Fooled time and again by highly 'creative and resourceful' Chinese businessmen and a victim of their dynamic legal system. I'm only halfway through the book and he already has my sympathies.

It's funny, insightful and true. Perfect combination. Quote from a Time Magazine review in Feb 2005 sums it up best....

"Clissold, despite being a banker (now working at Goldman Sachs in Beijing), writes wonderfully. The book is sharply observed, funny as hell, and educational for anyone either doing business in China or thinking about it."

The above image is the paperback version I bought at Borders. But, there is an even better cover version that's being sold at Kinokuniaya. Strangely, I can't find the latter version in net coz' I wanted to show you what it looks like without having to explain. Anyhow, go get this's alot more 'China' - red cover with man standing along tree-lined dirt track (you'll see this in a lot of Qiong Yau's melo-dramatic series - wailing children and parents or forlorn lovers separated by growing distance on this infamous road). And for my fellow suit friends, there's even spot uv finishing on the Chinese title. So cool! Hmm...think I'm going to get this for keepsake. :)

Let me know what you think about the book if you do pick it up. Happy reading!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Broken Marriages

Another story of a broken marriage. I'm only 30 and I've heard one too many. Stories of different people I know and don't know alike, stories of myraid causes, the end is always the same. A dissolution of the supposed sacred marriage.

As a result of a progressively open society where abundant opportunities are presented before us, lines are blurred and people in general are less tolerant about sticking it out, compromising and making sacrifices. I mean, why sacrifice when I have other options available, right? If this isn't working out, quit, leave, walk out. Simple.

Then what is the point in marriage if, apart from the pain and anger, the process of separation, paying legal fees, afterwhich labelled as divorcee and having had to explain to scores of people, are in the way of moving on? Too much heartache. Too much trouble.

Since a few years ago, whenever I hear a story, there's lots of empathy and sympathy but am no longer surprised nor shocked. Believe me, even what seems to be a happy marriage to you could be one well on the way to end too.

That said, I do still harbour a glimmer of hope that one day, if I do meet the right guy, I'd want to give marriage a shot, work hard at it with no illusions and see how it goes. At the end of the day, there's only 1 life but many opportunities.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Just 2 weeks short of his 8-month, here are new shots of my god son, Ken Shin.

He's grown taller, is more aware of his surrounding and have developed his sense of recognition.

Sitting comfortably and securely on his mummy's lap next to daddy, he was switching from keenly looking at my handphone cam pointing in his direction and everything else within his view. How cute. Then I decided it was time for him to join me on the opposite side.

Over he came on my lap. Now, he was looking, full view, at his mum and dad making funny faces at him. Nope, not funny. He looked up at me, frowned...then wailed! Welcome to the world, boy.