Friday, January 20, 2006

I am the GigGirlO

I have a few colleagues who are into the mega-hugely popular cybergame World of Warcraft. Whilst I do not share similar interest in the game, one of them - Sum Sum, decided to give me a character anyway should I decide, one fine day, that I want to be apart of this gaming madness.

Here's how she profiled it over MSNM one lunch time in September last year:

"The GigGirlO (Giggle-o)...

The one with mocking laughter – taunts your enemies into attacking. U giggle them to death. Even after they run from the fight, they can still hear your giggles and it drives them crazy.

It haunts them. There would be one or two that survives...they will live to tell the tale…but would be driven to madness.

They will stay in dilapitated huts in the wild, away from humans. If anyone smiles, they will cower in the dusty musty corner, in hopes that the smile will not become a giggle.

And once in a while…if you hold your giggles…you can break out into wild delirious laughter which stuns and does damage over time." cracks me up everytime I read this. Sum sum, it's because of friends like you that I am capable of becoming The GigGirlO! KeKekekee....

Friday, January 13, 2006

Back in 2006!

Happy, healthy and wealthy 2006 my friends…

Finally, I’ve re-surfaced from the crutches of work and now, attempting to make a ‘comeback’ to this spot. So many thoughts passed me by since June last year (my last entry was on 29 May) and a pity that I cannot re-visit them. Sometimes, I amuse or amaze myself when I read them on hindsight. Maybe that’s why I blog and miss it when I don’t.

The year in retrospect…2005 has been a roller-coaster year. The year began with a bang with soooo many good things happening, averaging
2.4 good things happening weekly in February. And good things did continue to happen...

1. Record no. of times I've been abroad - to Auckalnd (in June) for a client photoshoot, JB (yes, it's counted) for the Millward's Chinese wedding, Bali for the Millward's English wedding (both in July) , Bangkok (in August) and then Hong Kong (in November) for food and fun with friends.

2. While in Auckland, finally met my long time friend from secondary school who's been slogging it out in NZ after braving the uncertainties of just packing his bags and leaving the comforts at home to head south. He hasn't been back for 4-plus years now. He had nothing when he first got there. Now, he's a multi-media/design lecturer at a Uni and is also pursuing his Masters, sponsored by the Uni. Such sheer determination to succeed. An inspiration.

3. I have become Godma to an adorable baby boy, Ken Shin, born on 25 September, son to my best mates from primary school (yup, father and mother and I - we've known one another since we were 8 years old. How cool is that!)

4. All 3 of my closest teammates from Batey got married.

5. 2 more juniors will be popping this year (and I'll be counting as the days pass in 2006).

6. Bought my 1st Apple product in June - the iPod Mini (yup, it's pink alright...heh). But now, I am a proud owner of the iPod Video 30GB (yay!) I won at my agency's annual Christmas party draw...still can't believe how lucky I was! (I've just completed cleaning up my iTunes library that earlier had a lot of gibberish titles and names. Now, I am furiously loading other great songs from my CD collection and can't wait to download them into my iPodV.)

7. Upgraded my faulty old Nokia for a Sony Ericsson k750i, sexy black 2 mega pixel cam and mp3 handphone. It was pricey 'coz I bought it when it first launched...but it's serving me very well thus far. (And oh yes, Sony Ericsson has found a convert :) No more apprehensions about its user-interface vs. Nokia's - unfounded.)

8. My best friend received
a marriage proposal last year and the big day is looming! I am honoured to be one of her bridesmaids :) She's going to have a dress made for me too! (Thanks to the Millwards as they had a beautiful green dress made for me to don as their bridesmaid. Heh...the 1st time some of my friends had seen me in a dress!)

9. So glad to have my friends and colleagues make my good days better and remind me that bad days happen for a reason and that it's not always about me. *thanks guys, hugs!*

With good days, there were also bad days. And there were quite a number of them towards the end of year. At the end of the day, I do acknowledge that there are bound to be bad days. I normally do take them in my stride and try to get past them with the occasional 'let go'. However, I became very very miserable at work as it had taken over my life completely - early mornings, late nights, weekends and a host of so many other factors I wished had not happened (in some instances, I also wished there were some things that HAD happened). As a result, I lost all spirit for work at work. And all I wanted to do was to catch up on my sleep and spend a lot of ME time.

So to all of my friends, thank you for understanding that I needed to have my space yet stick around for me when I return. THANK YOU. Work has been better thus far this year as it is a lot less chaotic at the moment and certain changes are being made to make it better for me, hopefully. So, I am trying to stay positive, leave 2005 behind as it should be and face what's ahead with new fervour.

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to the days leading up to CNY and the CNY holies itself. Have a great year yo'll, especially to the dogs and bitches coz' it's your year! *ruff ruff*

P.S. I have removed the "Absolut" music tag from my blog.