Wednesday, March 30, 2005

An Exchange

At breakfast with colleagues today, on our preferred hairstylist...

YN: "Yeah, this guy used to know exactly what I want...and I always like how it turns out." *Everyone else nods in acknowledgement, smiles, faces light up!!*

RB: "Really?! So which hair salon is he at?" *Asking in glee while everyone else waits in anticipation*

YN: "He died." *And there was a moment of deafening silence. Everyone stumped.*

Great start to the day.

Onions Are Good for You

I was just wondering while in the toilet...

If we ate onions as we would in a salad, satay side or sauteed with beef kinda dishes, ...would we have the same gas emissions if we had eaten onions in an indirect manner? Like curry where onions had been all chopped, minced, mixed and cooked with other spices...hmm... *phoo..ooot* Oops! Excuse me...*blush*

But thats not going to stop me! Onions are good stuff...high in energy and water content, low in calories, generous amounts of B6, B1, and Folic acid, help fight the free radicals that cause disease and destruction to cells which are linked to at least 60 diseases, increase circulation, lower blood pressure, AND prevent blood clotting.

To all of you who shun onions...tsk tsk know what you are missing out on! *phooooot*

A Few Questions Today

Apart from having a sluggish day today (gawd it's becoming a daily affair of late), I managed several thoughts triggered by people around me...

Why do some of us keep getting into bad relationships?
I suppose many of us would expect ourselves to have the common sense to learn from the bad experience and avoid them in the next. Some of us do. We learn and remind ourselves what to look out for or to avoid in the next one.
Or so we think until "Hope" comes along. It is also "hope", despite all that we've supposedly learnt and known, that may cause the bad cycle to repeat itself. The "hope" that this time, it will be different. But do we really know? Can we ever really avoid it?

Why can't we just have whoever we want to have?
Finding our one true love is like searching for needle in a haystack.
If you are lucky, one step, the needle might just prick you and it gets stuck. Search is over.
If not that lucky, you might have to shuffle it a little, turn it over, spread it out, touch it and suddenly, you feel something...clench your fist...ouch! Got it.
If luck's out but you are determined to find it, you might have to, for days, stake out, camp, do the not-that-lucky process over and over, serenade, read and just one day, the needle will be the light in the haystack under the moonlit sky.
No luck and no determination will leave the needle in the haystack.
No luck, no determination but with money, just go to the hypermart and you can choose any shape and size, or in today's fasion, customise it the way you want.

Why are some friendships or relationships one-sided?
So many things in our lives make us "us". Every day we meet new people, make new friends, work with new colleagues and one day, they may become the ships that will anchor in our lives. This is all wonderful. Ever thought about what happens when it becomes or one realises that it is afterall, a one-sided affair, giving end of the hurts. Lifting the anchor is not as easy as dropping it.
Such heartache when love is no longer felt. Such hurt when empathy is no longer shared. It's all one-sided. You listen. And you listen. "Excuse me, can I...*interrupted - listen and listen*...but I think blah blah blah...*looks away uninterested* *silence*" You give. And you give. "Great job! *...* Should we go out and celebrate?! *no money* *dead tone*" Get my point? Well, to lift or leave the anchor as is? It's a tough one. And certainly not trivial. Meanwhile, I'll just get my champagne, perch on the deck, enjoy the sun while evaluating. What will you do?

Monday, March 28, 2005

what good is a life when it is a lie
what is love when it is going to die
what life has one lead when it is all about i
all i want now is to eat my pie.

Oh no...Monday!

No...I am SO not sleeping! I refuse to let go of Sunday and I am prolonging the coming of Monday. *denial Denial DENIAL*

But it's 1.15am and IT IS already Monday...Argh! Then again, it'll only be the dreadful Monday experience when I awake from slumber.

Oh man, how I wish Mondays can become Fridays and I won't have to suffer from the gross feeling on Sundays again. Confused? Me, too.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Bargain with Chinese

You gotta watch this...laughter guranteed! Thanks to Mr/Ms Anonymous who left me this link to cheer me up. It sure did! Haha...

Click on Funny Man, Russell Peters!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Music in My Life

What will all of us do without music? Music is so much apart of our lives, my life.

Music heals, uplifts, it brings people together, eliminates the boundaries across the world, brings joy and laughter when we sing along with friends, we make conversations about it, lyrics that we make sense of and find answers to our lives...

I don't exactly know what's come over me lately but I've been feeling rather low...and the song that's keeping me up right this moment is Jason Mraz' "You and I Both" *replay mode*

Now...I need Music to lift me up.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Geek vs. Deek

Today I had a chat with a friend. He thinks that I think he is a Geek (I don't...realleee *innocent look*).

Well, I don't blame him because most people around him call or refer to him as "eye-tee", better known as I.T. Given his deep-thinking nature, his yearn to question and challenge the typical, he somewhat debunks what a Geek normally represents (I bet he will have an 'argument' to this statement as well...heh).

So, I decided to come up with a more deservedly nickname for "eye-tees" like him - "Deek".

Deek (d-eeeeeeeeek)
n. slang
one who thinks deeply;
(only used for text-based communication and bares absolutely no similarity in meaning and pronunciation to the more popularly known, loosely used, derogatory name of the significant male anatomy "Dick".)

Friday, March 18, 2005

I wonder what's worse...brooding about nothing in particular or things in general.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Test of Friendship

We all have friends who lead different lives...some scrimp and save and think for months about their favourite pair of heels till it's no longer in for the next season; and some live extravagantly, wining, dining and spending beyond their means. Either way, they are still my friends.

I confess I am not as adult as I should with my money and get panic attacks when I see the figure in my bank account descending faster than I can spell the word. At least there is panic, at least I realise my folly in time to exercise some self-control and at least, I don't depend on my friends to borrow money to get through my day or to feed my lifestyle.

I have been recently disappointed and now I am frustrated for allowing disappointment to happen. And disappointment happens when there is a level of expectation. But who wouldn't expect a friend to keep his/her word? Who wouldn't expect a friend to treat you respectfully and not take you for granted? The cliche about how friendship and money don't mix is holding more truth than ever.

It's not the act of borrowing nor the amount that makes me feel this way...we all get into dire straight situations, too. But it is the manner in which this friend's promises made were broken again and again. And with a non-apologetic, blase attitude and for me to be the 'bad & unsympathetic' friend to keep asking, with every given reason for delay, though genuine, becomes a seeming excuse. And the assumption is that if it's not asked, it gets delayed or even forgotten.

This is not the behaviour of a sincere person who is genuinely in need. And to me, it is certainly not the kind of friendship that I intend to keep. Then again, it was my choice and I can blame no one of my deed.

Pssst...lest you think I treat friendships lightly, I don't...and that I am unsympathetic, I'm not. I normally give people, more so for friends, the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Shit on Fan

When shit hits the fan, what'll happen when there's no switch to turn it off?

Well, the shit stays. Ooo, it's a messy affair. And I wonder who's gonna clean it up.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

France & Her Nails

*Beaming smile* Yay...I finally did my first French nail manicure on Sunday. I admit it isn't the most immaculate I have seen but heck, it looks French enough from a comfortable distance.

Then again, I ask myself...what's so French about French nails anyway? What's it got to do with France? Why not call it American or Chinese nails? Hmm...why didn't the person who 'founded' this name it after himself or herself? Just like Grafenberg did with the G. Who favourite nail style today could have been called the "Goldrich Nails" by Loyce Goldrich. "Loyce Goldrich" WHO?!

Oh well...there are answers to almost EVEReething at the www. *Looking at my nails...oh how luuurvely*

Never again. World Peace, please.
My song for the moment..."Rainbow Connection" by Sarah McLachlan. Good one...thanks Becky.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Our Own Struggles

In this competitive world where paperchase is rampant, my friend is studying for her MBA in US. It is driving her crazy. She's highly stressed and feels very much pressurised by the demands. Talking to me is one, but many, of her attempts at alleviating her frustrations off her chest. But as it's always easier said than done, I cannot begin to imagine the real dread she is experiencing. Being away miles from her home in Shanghai and leaving her parents behind surely add to the distress.

She read my blog the other day and told me that she is jealous of my life, my good life. She forewarns me of my future decision, if it ever happens, to study for an MBA espeically in the US. And then she said to me, with conviction, that it is a struggle not worth, at all.

My reply? It is a short term struggle to an MBA that'll lead to a brigher and easier future. Whereas I, with not an MBA whatsoever, will have a long term struggle for the rest of my life.

What's your choice? my friend who knows who you are - hang in there mate, you can do it. There will be light and one day, it'll be my turn to be envious of your good life. *hugs*

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Me, in general. *smile* favourite flowers. *sniff...ahh*

I have what you have. So, what are you looking at eh? Eh?
Pssst...thanks Dave and Chez for allowing me to post this.


"Blood is thicker than water, so people say.
Talk is cheap, too.
Well oh well, humans have threshold.
All sorts.
When does it end?
When is enough, enough?
If it takes one to break another, why not one to raise another instead.
Sigh….ties that bind.
Can run but cannot hide.
Talk is cheap.
Blood is indeed thicker than water.
Exactly reason why it cuts through deeper.
When the heart opens and the mind takes flight,
Say good bye…to the pain.
Forgiveness gives, hopefully memories too."

By yours truly, March 2001.

Something I came across while going through my archive this evening. It was written when I was in a lot of pain back then...writing helps and heals me. 4 years's better, I am better.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Mind Blogging...erh, Boggling

Gee...looks like I have a mental-block and suddenly, I have nothing to write about. Or maybe, I do...I live my life thinking and, doing a lot of it, too. So how can I possibly have nothing to write about? Well see, I am even writing about me having nothing to write about. Such is the power of the mind when put to good use.

It's also kinda like the economics of "diminishing return". Too many thoughts going through my mind in a single day will result in decreasing significance to each thought and it becomes just a-passing.

Therefore now, I am experiencing what I would call a "BlockedBlog". And I would hate to have this as a mental fixture.

Good night. Oh erh, I think it's morning now...good morrr...but wait, sun's not up yet...erh...good night?! Argh. I rest my weary case. *snooze*